Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

The Value of Honest Work: An Internship at CMRI

Posted by pauloneal

Learning everything about marketing in my academics and studying every aspect of it has prepared me for entering the industry as a new marketer.

When I first encountered CMRI on my school’s internship job board, I was not exactly sure on what to expect if I was hired for the position of a Marketing Assistant at a mattress recycling company. I did my research on the prerequisites in the job description, the company background, and their values, and it seemed promising, but I would never know for sure until the first day on the job.

When I finally arrived, I was met with a positive welcome by the friendly HR Generalist and got a tour of the facility alongside an up-to-speed on what the company does and why they do it. Working with a team and a company that was genuine in their goals of promoting sustainability and green values was a breath of fresh air, as “greenwashing” was a not so uncommon occurrence with “sustainable” companies. I was able to see in-person the recyclable materials of mattresses and furniture being extracted and repurposed or donated to the community.

In addition, the marketing content I contributed was tailored towards sharing advice about being green, increasing awareness of ‘Days’ (like World Lion Day) and organizations saving the planet, and promoting the circular economy. The workplace environment was genuine as well as you would assume CEOs are usually mysterious boogeymen you rarely get to meet, but the CEO of CMRI is a very amiable and down-to-earth individual you can talk to at work.

Overall, the internship I had at CMRI taught me the differences between a “good” and a “bad” company and allowed me to develop the skills I learned from my academics. This may be the end of my work period with CMRI, but my time with them will help me in understanding what companies worth marketing for are like, and the ones that are not. I look forward to seeing CMRI continue being an example of the value of honest work!

Words by: Alec Chiev

6 Alternatives to Throwing Away Furniture

Posted by pauloneal

Whether you’re moving, relocating your office, or finally mustering up the motivation to do something about that outdated sofa you said you were going to do something about ages ago, there comes a time when you’ll have to get rid of some furniture.

If you’re thinking about throwing away a piece you no longer want, stop (unless it is in such a state of disrepair that it can’t be salvaged in any form). Instead, we urge you to think about furniture waste, and how bad the whole thing is, to deter you from throwing it away. Refer to the paragraph below if you require assistance with developing this thought:

Furniture waste is on the rise. One of the big reasons why is due to the pandemic: renovation booms, companies throwing away all their office furniture as they opt to go virtual, and other factors brought about by COVID-19 have all contributed to this rise in f-waste. Additionally, the persisting trend of fast furniture—that is, cheaply-made furniture not built to last (you may be familiar with this)—results in massive amounts of furniture being thrown away not long after it’s been bought.

Take a look at that piece of furniture you no longer want, and consider if it can be used by others, or if it can provide a use other than its intended one (we’ll get to this latter point later). Rather than tossing it and contributing to the waste stream, ponder these alternative options:

  1. Recycle
  2. Donate or Give Away
  3. Sell Online
  4. Hold a Garage Sale
  5. Restore
  6. Upcycle

1. Recycle

When you think about the sorts of things you can recycle, furniture likely isn’t one of the first that comes to mind; however, it is in fact possible to recycle—some—furniture.

There are recycling facilities that accept furniture, including us at Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. Despite what our name may imply, we actually do recycle furniture too—head over to our website to see what types of furniture we accept.

You may also be able to recycle your unwanted furniture through your city’s recycling depot; some towns even do pick-ups for your convenience.

2. Give Away or Donate

Giving away or donating furniture may be the easiest way of getting rid of unwanted furniture: after all, not many people would pass up on the opportunity to get their hands on free or affordable furniture, as long as it’s in decent condition!

Perhaps you want to declutter your house, starting with that hand-me-down armchair in the corner of your living room that no amount of wishful thinking will convince you matches the rest of your furniture; or maybe your office is relocating, leaving you with a whole bunch of office chairs. Whatever the case, an unwanted piece of furniture may be wanted by a friend or family member—it doesn’t hurt to just ask!

Donating your furniture is another great option, and one that would probably make you feel really good about yourself, which is a nice feeling. Many thrift stores accept furniture, as well as Habitat for Humanity’s ReStores, which can be found in many parts of the world, including Canada and the U.S.

Fort Myer Thrift Shop.

Some other options of giving away furniture are through The Freecycle Network, a non-profit movement dedicated to providing people with an easy means to share goods for free with others in their city; Facebook Marketplace; and the “free stuff” category in Craigslist.

Whether you’re giving away or donating your furniture, make sure to clean the furniture as best you can in order to make it as appealing as possible. Additionally, take high-quality photos with good angles and lighting if you plan to sell or give away your furniture online.

3. Sell Online

Getting rid of furniture doesn’t need to be an unprofitable endeavour: you can use it as an opportunity to make a bit of money by selling it rather than giving it away.

There are dozens of online marketplaces where you can sell your used furniture. Here are just a few of them:

As is the practice when selling anything online, be wary of scammers. And be patient because sometimes it just takes time.

4. Hold a Garage Sale

With the right advertising and presentation, a garage sale can be a sure-fire way of getting rid of loads of furniture, among other possessions.

While garage sales don’t reach as wide an audience as selling online, they allow you to channel your inner salesperson and persuade individuals to buy your unwanted possessions. Furthermore, hosting a garage sale could be a great way of getting your weekly dose of social interactions in if that’s something you’re lacking.

To avoid the dreaded “no turnout,” you should publicize the garage sale at least a few days ahead of time—social media posts, ads in your local newspaper, putting up signs around your neighbourhood, and so on—as well as choose a good day and time. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings are the best times to hold garage sales, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to schedule them for the first weekend of the month either, as that’s when a lot of people get their paychecks.

The way you display your furniture is important as well, as people driving by will be less likely to check your garage sale out if it looks like you flung your stuff out through your bedroom window and onto the lawn.

A garage sale with the items clearly and neatly displayed.

Another thing to keep in mind is your primary goal: if the main purpose of the garage sale is to get rid of your furniture, be willing to negotiate and sell items for a bit lower than you’d like if need be.

Garage sales are an effective method of getting rid of large quantities of possessions, however, if you only have a few things to clear out, consider other options. Or ask to join in on a neighbor’s garage sale!

5. Restore

Restoring furniture is a quick and easy way of extending its lifespan, while also adding personality to it.  In an age where paint exists, there should be no reason to throw out a piece of furniture that has merely suffered a little cosmetic damage.  If the paint of, say, a chair has been chipped, a new coat of paint may be all that’s needed for that chair to be let out of the basement to rejoin its kin in the dining room.

If, however, you’ve got a piece of furniture that is in such a terrible state that it’s on the brink of flatlining, you may need to put a little more work in to save it. Reupholstering, the process of changing the fabric of an item, can be enough to bring a dreary piece of furniture back to life.

Let’s say you can’t be bothered to do either of those things. That’s fine. Though at the very least, it shouldn’t be too herculean of a task to enhance your furniture by simply buying pillows, throwing blankets over them, or even getting a slipcover to stretch over them. Restoring furniture really can be as simple as that.

6. Upcycle

If you’re willing to spare the time and resources, upcycling could be a fun and useful alternative to throwing out a piece of furniture. Upcycling is the process of taking an item—usually one that has lost its use or beauty—and transforming it to give it a new, often greater function or appeal. Refer to the photo below for an example of upcycling:

A repurposed stool that has been made into a plant stand and tray.

Upcycling is an opportunity to turn something useless or unwanted into something practical or pleasing. While upcycling might sound like quite the undertaking, it can be as simple as turning a plastic water bottle into a plant pot—you’ll likely find all the resources you need around your house, and it’s no more than a few minutes of work.

Here are some ways to upcycle furniture:

If the thought of putting in all that effort to upcycle entire pieces of furniture makes you even more inclined to throw your furniture away, you can upcycle certain materials from your furniture instead. For example, you can remove the filling from the cushion of a broken armchair and use it to stuff a sofa that’s sunken in your favourite spot over the years.


We live in an age where producing hundreds of pounds of waste each year—per person—is normal. When we really pay attention to the waste we accumulate, however, it becomes abundantly clear that a lot of it can be easily avoided.

The idea of finding solutions to getting rid of furniture other than throwing it in landfills is one that most people don’t even think about, and many people who do think about it wish they hadn’t thought about it, and then promptly send their furniture to a landfill.

It’s easy to throw away a ragged sofa you’ve had for 10 years and then call it a day. But imagine how many more years you could get out of that sofa if you decided to refinish or reupholster it. Imagine the amount of use someone else could get out of that sofa if you decided to donate it (if you aren’t keen on restoring or upcycling, maybe they are). Doing such things is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

There’s no shame in throwing furniture away, of course; however, we hope the takeaway from this post is that throwing furniture away should be a last resort, rather than your first action.

Words by: Liam Basi

Discovering My Destination: My Co-op Work Term at CMRI

Posted by pauloneal

Everyone has a destination upon leaving school—an end goal before your next chapter in life—and I discovered mine during my time at Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc.

I vaguely recall stumbling upon CMRI’s job posting for a technical writer position during a turbulent period of sleepless nights and incessant worry and doubt, which is to say, during my job search last year. I remember all the misconceptions I had about technical writing at the time, which tempted me to scroll past the job posting.

Prior to discovering the job posting, I had done some surface-level research on technical writing to see if it was for me. After my research, I thought to myself, do I really want to spend the next few decades of my life writing manuals no one will ever read, and learning complex things so that I’m qualified to write manuals about those complex things? No, I decided, and that was that. Definitely not for me.

The problem, however, was that the longer I stared at the technical writer job posting, the more I thought, maybe? You see, I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember: it’s actually one of, if not the only thing that I can confidently say I’m at least competent at.

Realizing this, I decided to take a chance and apply for the position, and it was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My co-op work term at CMRI was as enjoyable as it was educational.

I was tasked with creating user manuals for the warehouse operations, which would serve as useful training materials for new employees learning how to perform the procedures and operate the machinery.

Throughout my work term, I learned that technical writing is a multifaceted occupation that requires creativity when designing technical documents, as well as critical thinking skills when figuring out how to format documents, what information to include, how to make that information crystal clear, and so on. Essentially, I learned that technical writing is a far cry from the mundane and monotonous occupation I had imagined it to be.

In addition to this experience convincing me to pursue a career in technical writing, it made me feel like I was doing something meaningful.

CMRI is a company that goes above and beyond to make Canada greener. Besides the millions of pounds of mattresses and furniture that they’ve recycled and kept out of landfills, CMRI also supports communities and charities through generous donations, as well as schools and animal shelters by donating useful materials.

The efforts CMRI makes to achieve sustainability and support communities make me genuinely proud to work here. My time at the company has also provided me with valuable work experience that will aid me when I finish school and step out into the “real world.”

To say that I’ve learned a lot about technical writing is an understatement, and to say it is an understatement is an understatement within itself. What I mean is that I went from knowing nothing about technical writing to knowing everything (that you would expect a junior technical writer to know).

The most important thing I’d like to convey to you, however, is just how much CMRI has done for me and why I will forever be grateful to them: they helped me find my career path, my destination. I realize that I briefly mentioned this a few paragraphs above, but I feel that I merely brushed past this point and should probably do a better job to emphasize it, because it really is a fairly important point now that I think about it.

Now finishing my second work term with CMRI, I’ve been reflecting on my time here and—in truth—I could not have asked for a better opportunity. Everyone at the company has been wonderful and immensely helpful (and patient, for being able to endure my unrelenting barrage of questions I direct at them on a regular basis).

After completing my second work term, I will be returning to school to pursue my major in Communication and minor in English, and after that, hopefully beginning my long and prosperous career as a Technical Writer.

Words by: Liam Basi

5 Reasons Why You Should Reduce Your Textile Waste

Posted by pauloneal

In 1992, around 1,700 of the world’s leading scientists signed a document titled, “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity,” which declared a climate emergency that, if ignored, would result in suffering and destruction on a worldwide scale. Three decades later, we are seemingly none the wiser, as global greenhouse gas emissions have risen by a staggering 40%.

One of the biggest contributors to this rise in greenhouse gas emissions is textile waste, which simply refers to textiles and fabric waste —particularly clothing—that is dumped in landfills or incinerated. Although there are many industries that produce high volumes of textile waste, the fashion industry is the biggest culprit. The sheer amount of clothes created every year is unsustainable, and the situation is only worsened by the societal norm of throwing away old clothes rather than giving them away or recycling them.

At Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc., we are determined to help Canada meet its recycling and sustainability goals. Besides deconstructing mattresses and furniture, we also keep textiles out of landfills by finding ways for the textiles we salvage to be re-used. Recently, we have started to give away furniture cushion covers and polyester filling from the furniture we process to teachers, who use them to create comfy floor seating for their students.  We also donate covers to local animal shelters (unstuffed to be used as blanket-substitutes and stuffed ones as pet beds). As a part of our goal to help Canadians live a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle, we believe it is our duty to inform others on not just about how to reduce your textile waste, but why you should reduce your textile waste:

1. Limiting textile waste combats climate change

Clothing and footwear are responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this is largely due to fast fashion. Fast fashion, the current norm of the fashion industry, is the process of producing high volumes of trendy and inexpensive clothes. Since these clothes are made with cheap materials, their lifespans are significantly reduced, resulting in a cycle of people regularly buying and throwing out clothes. The fashion industry’s emphasis on trendy clothing also leads to clothes being thrown out prematurely because, as we know, there is little worse in life than wearing corduroys that were fashionable in 2022 and have now (2023, as of the publication of this post) gone out of fashion.

According to a recent study, only 1% of clothes are recycled, however, this isn’t solely due to people not wanting to do so: many clothes are hard to recycle because they are not made with it in mind. Until recycling technology advances—or until more companies start making clothes that are recyclable—recycling alone will not dramatically reduce global textile waste.

In order to lower textile waste and thus help combat climate change, other avenues of limiting textile waste must receive attention in addition to recycling, such as donating and upcycling clothes. Upcycling is the process of transforming unwanted or defunct items to make them functional or more appealing. Giving away clothes rather than discarding them is a minor inconvenience at most, which brings us to our next point:

2. Reducing textile waste is easy

You may already know that textile waste is a major problem, and you may already know how to limit it. Despite knowing these things, you may do nothing to reduce your textile waste, and that isn’t anything to feel guilty about—everyone has a lot of progress to make if they want to lead eco-friendly lives (unless you’re one of those rare individuals who leads a zero waste lifestyle, in which case, good on you!). Perhaps one of the main reasons why you should reduce your textile waste is simply because it’s easy to. No, really.

Whether it’s giving away clothes that no longer fit you to younger relatives or holding a garage sale, there are so many easy ways to get rid of your unwanted clothes without contributing to the waste stream. You could always bag up and donate your clothes to places that would happily take them from you, such as Value Village, thrift stores, and shelters, or give them away for free online.

A yard sale with clothes, among other items, on display.

3. Being eco-friendly makes you happier

Another reason why you should reduce the amount of textile waste you produce is because numerous studies have found that there is a correlation between happiness and sustainable living. These studies have concluded that individuals who care about the environment and engage in eco-friendly behaviour tend to be happier than those who do not. One explanation for this conclusion is that many individuals find eco-friendly behaviour—even something as minor as turning off the lights after leaving a room—meaningful, and that being eco-friendly makes individuals feel good about themselves as a result.

You may be reluctant to lead an eco-friendlier life, and understandably so—making major changes to your lifestyle can be scary. It is important to note, however, that being eco-friendly doesn’t mean you have to start growing all your own vegetables and get rid of clothes only once they look as if caterpillars have mistaken them for leaves (although, if you do grow all your own vegetables and wear clothes riddled in holes, that’s perfectly fine). You can be eco-friendlier by starting with something easy and small, like recycling and donating things you no longer need.

The most important thing to take away from this point is that the irrefutable link between happiness and sustainability disproves the notion that being eco-friendly means sacrificing one’s happiness. So, if you’re still on the fence about, say, giving away your unwanted clothes rather than just tossing them in the bin, just do what will make you happier. Which is giving them away.

4. Your bank account will thank you

If you still aren’t convinced about limiting your textile waste, we should point out that it would save you a considerable amount of money in the long-term. While we have mentioned a few ways of getting rid of clothes that don’t involve sending them to a landfill, perhaps the best way to reduce your textile waste is by not accumulating large (i.e., unnecessary) quantities of textiles in the first place.

Look in your closet and be honest: how many of your clothes do you really wear? According to a UK survey, the average British adult has nearly $300 worth of clothes in their closet that they’ve never worn. This startling data goes to show that we have a consumption problem, and it likely won’t come as a surprise that fast fashion is at the root of this issue.

Simply put, avoiding fast fashion clothing will result in both a more environmentally and financially sustainable life. Instead of buying suspiciously cheap clothing that you know won’t last long, invest in slightly more expensive clothing that will last you years. It may seem contradictory to spend more money to save money, but you will certainly save more money by buying better-made clothes designed to last rather than cheaply-made clothes designed to make you buy more clothes shortly after.

5. You will create safer environments for people and animals

Some researchers believe that landfills may pose health risks to those who work at them, as well as people and animals that live near them; therefore, reducing your textile waste will create safer environments for families and help preserve ecosystems.

One study suggests that there is an increased chance of children developing congenital malformations (aka birth defects) if their families live near landfills. Pollution, odor, and water contamination are just a few other hazards caused by landfills that the study mentions. With all the potential health issues that come with living in proximity to landfills, it would hardly come as a surprise if you were against the idea of living near one, although for all you know, you could be living near one. About one in six citizens of the United States live within three miles of toxic waste sites, and as Canada has its fair share of waste sites as well, you could be living near one without even knowing it.

Landfills of course negatively impact all of us, as well as animals and the planet, but that doesn’t mean that nothing can be done to lessen their harmful effect. With textiles occupying a significant portion of landfills, limiting your textile waste would help to reduce landfill use and their impact, and this vole would certainly be thankful.

Textile waste is a colossal waste train chugging along, and with factors such as the fashion industry only adding fuel to the fire, it won’t be losing steam anytime soon. If you would like to make a meaningful difference, we would strongly encourage you to try to reduce the amount of textile waste you produce: even something as simple as donating your unwanted clothing would make all the difference.

A cute water vole.

Surf’s Up for Autism (SUPA)

Posted by pauloneal

Thanks to the generous folks who made donations to our fundraising efforts, we were able to send $500 to SUPA in May 2021.  Hopefully this summer they will be able to host a fun and rejuvenating event for the families they help.

How To Recycle Your Old Mattress

Posted by pauloneal

In cities across Canada, it is becoming more common for residents to have the option of recycling their old mattresses. Mattresses can be difficult to take apart or dismantle by the resident themselves, so facilities have sprung up across the country to provide mattress recycling services. 

In Vancouver, a local recycler Canadian Mattress Recycling dismantles and recycles mattresses, box springs, and bed frames received by residents and commercial businesses. Their facility achieves a recycling rate close to 100%, so they divert almost the old items they receive from local landfills. 

So now that you know you can recycle mattresses, the next question is: how do I do it? 

1. Preparation Makes a Big Difference

Preparation makes a big difference. Recycling facilities may reject mattresses that are too wet, mouldy, have pests, or excessive human excrement. Therefore, your best chance at recycling a mattress starts by taking good care of your bed when you use it. Keeping a mattress in good condition keeps your end-of-use disposal options open. Then, when it’s time to recycle, it becomes a simple matter of deciding what recycling service you need, as opposed to worrying about whether or not you can recycle it.

2. Understand what mattress recycling services are available

Mattress recyclers often provide two kinds of services: drop-off recycling and recycling pickups. Drop-off recycling is popular with those who can transport their old mattress to the back of their truck and haul it to the recycling facility. In comparison, recycling pickups allow residents to have removers come to their residence to haul their beds away. 

Besides asking yourself if you have the means to drop off your mattress yourself, also consider whether it is worth the drive. Not only that, but hours at recycling facilities may also vary. For example, Canadian Mattress Recycling closes its facility at 4:45 pm every day. If you work past that time or need to travel longer distances, will you encounter hassles like traffic that make you miss the last load times?

That’s why recycling pickups are popular amongst many residents in Metro Vancouver. Canadian Mattress Recycling’s pickup service hauls away residents’ old beds and ensures they’re recycled. Residents do not have to be at home during the pickup, as long as the mattress is easily accessible by the pickup crew.

3. Recycle your mattresses

Once you’ve considered your options, it’s time to pick a service and recycle your mattresses. For drop-offs, advanced booking may not be needed for some recycling facilities. In fact, at Canadian Mattress Recycling, residents can drop off their mattresses with no need to book a slot. You just have to know how much your item will cost to recycle, bring the cash, and off-load the mattress at the loading bays. Commercial loads of 10+ mattresses need reservations, however, to ensure adequate staff are in attendance to process the mattresses timely and efficiently. Alternatively, pickups must be booked in advance for both residential and commercial services. 


We’re not going to lie – recycling can be a satisfying feeling. Waving your old bed goodbye and knowing it will be recycled can be even more satisfying. Instead of decomposing for over 80 years in a landfill, the materials in your mattress will be transformed into new materials for new products. Therefore, we hope this guide helps your mattress recycling efforts by showing you how to prepare a mattress for recycling, understanding what services are available, and how to exactly recycle a mattress. 

Styrofoam Recycling in Vancouver

Posted by pauloneal

In Metro Vancouver, about 10,500 tons of styrofoam is disposed of in landfills each year. Until 2019, only 21% of those styrofoam is recycled. The staggering amount of styrofoam entering landfills as single-use items has prompted Metro Vancouver to ban the landfilling of them in 2018. Last year, a surcharge was placed on all styrofoam loads taken to transfer stations, encouraging businesses and residents to find a sustainable alternative to styrofoam disposal.

The Next Step: Styrofoam Recycling

Styrofoam recycling quickly became the appealing alternative for Metro Vancouver residents and businesses. Many started dropping off styrofoam (EPS) at recycling depots, who receive these items free of charge. And yet, misconceptions around styrofoam recycling are still increasing recycling contamination rates. In fact, styrofoam is commonly tossed away with recyclables at home, which is wrong. Styrofoam containers can’t be placed in blue bins at home and taken out with regular garbage. Instead, styrofoam can be taken to the following places for recycling: 

You may be wondering – what makes styrofoam different?

Styrofoam – Expanded Polystyrene

Commonly used by businesses, styrofoam is a durable and light-weighted material chosen often because of its ability to insulate and protect packaging during shipments. Styrofoam we know of takes form this way, but also as the take-out containers you regularly see at restaurants and food courts. But they have used styrofoam for many other industries in BC, such as the film industry. The film industry often uses styrofoam to create stage props, which are discarded in landfills once used. One thing about styrofoam is certain – it’s made prolific for being a cheaper alternative to other insulation, packaging, or prop-making material.

Challenges of Recycling Styrofoam

In the past, landfills have always been the dumping ground of styrofoam. Styrofoam would take decades to decompose. Now, styrofoam is recycled, but with recycling comes new challenges. Food and oil can contaminate styrofoam, making them very difficult to clean and recycle. Styrofoam parts may also break off, leaving microplastics that are lost. Finally, rules around recycling styrofoam can confuse residents and businesses, who rarely have the time to memorize recycling processes for all materials they encounter.

Challenge #1: Confusing rules around styrofoam recycling

Old habits die hard – and that’s the case with styrofoam recycling. But it’s much more complex than that. In fact, the average resident may be bombarded with many recycling practices for all the items they have at home. Finding the right recycler can be time-consuming and exhausting. To complicate matters, recycling policies can differ city to city. In Metro Vancouver, styrofoam does not belong in the blue recycling bins. Instead, you must take it to a depot that accepts the material. But if you have never been exposed to these practices, it can get very confusing very fast.


Challenge #2: Food and grease contamination

Grease-covered styrofoam containers cannot be recycled effectively. Unlike other food container materials such as cardboard, food and grease seep into the styrofoam pores, making it difficult for recycling. Rinsing the styrofoam out is one option, but it may not be effective. While food-soiled cardboard boxes (such as pizza boxes) can be dumped in your organics bin, the same cannot be said for food-soiled styrofoam containers.


Challenge #3: Inaccessible recyclers

Even if you want to recycle styrofoam, do you even know where to begin? Do you even know where you should take them? Recycling depots that take styrofoam can be far and few in between, or those that accept styrofoam may have separate rules. Or, they may simply be too far out of reach — making styrofoam recycling inaccessible.


Reasons to Recycle Styrofoam

Although styrofoam recycling is a challenge, it is still worth recycling. Think of all the single-use styrofoam plates and cups thrown away daily. Think about the EPS sheets piling up in landfills by the truck. And now with the convenience of online shopping, styrofoam will continue to sneak into the packaging and into our waste streams.

Reason #1: Styrofoam is not biodegradable.

Reason #2: Styrofoam litter in public places is harmful for wildlife.

Reason #3: Styrofoam is lightweight and easily carried by wind or water.

Reason #4: Styrene, a chemical component of styrofoam, can seep into the food we store.


Alternatives to Styrofoam Use

In 2020, styrofoam use will dwindle across Metro Vancouver as they put new bans in place. Single-use styrofoam will quickly phase out as more sustainable food storage containers, insulation, and packaging material arrive on the market. There are already other alternatives too, that would reduce one’s environmental impact. Some restaurants have already shifted to biodegradable take-out containers, and others have encouraged patrons to bring their own containers for take-out. Companies are investing in sustainable packaging and reusing package materials.


What Else You Can Do

The easiest way to deal with waste is to not create it. It may not be possible for other items we use on a daily basis, but we can with styrofoam. We can all do our part in limiting our use of styrofoam since so much of it is single-use. Simply by packing a lunch box or a reusable bottle can limit the temptation of using styrofoam for take-out. Hosting parties and work functions with reusable utensils can be more sustainable than using single-use styrofoam items. Ship items using newsprint or cloth padding instead of styrofoam peanuts can also be helpful.

Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. Since 2011, Canadian Mattress Recycling has recycled over 25 million pounds of mattresses and furniture at their recycling facility. Every day, commercial businesses and residents drop off their mattresses for recycling, or book a pickup for a crew to take their items away. As a company that cares about the community and the environment, you’ll see us blogging about recycling throughout the year. Want to read more, or want to stay in touch? Like us on Twitter and Facebook.

The Nature Trust of BC

Posted by pauloneal

The Nature Trust of BC protects the natural riches of British Columbia. Since 1971, the conservation organization has acquired, protected, and cared for over 175,000 acres across BC. With over 480 ongoing conservation projects, The Nature Trust of BC is making sure that the natural ecosystems of BC are preserved for generations to come.

Canadian Mattress Recycling is proud to have supported The Nature Trust of BC since 2014, donating $9790 to the organization. We’re delighted to support an organization such as theirs and their ongoing critical conservation projects in the province we call home.

In 2020, Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. proudly donated $5,000 towards The Nature Trust of BC. Throughout the years, we have been advocates of wildlife and nature protection. With Nature Trust British Columbia, we feel our goal is shared. We hope our donation helps maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and #nature

In 2021, Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. proudly donated $5,000 towards The Nature Trust of BC. We strive to support the great work that this wonderful organzation does for the wildlife of out provice. The Nature Trust of BC is greatly appreciated!

Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. is Metro Vancouver’s dedicated mattress and furniture recycler based on Annacis Island. Since 2011, we’ve recycled over 25 million pounds of mattress and furniture, diverting them from local landfills. We’ve supported over 90+ organizations to date through our philanthropic initiatives. Read more about the other organizations we support here.

Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada

Posted by pauloneal

Our Donation to Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada

Since 2014, Canadian Mattress Recycling has donated $7,300 to Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada. Our funds have supported cheetah conservation programs in Namibia, saving these felines from extinction. We’re always delighted to support global conservation initiatives — we believe that through environmental stewardship, we can make the world a better place.

In 2020, we have donated $5,000 to this charity.

Keep reading to learn about the CCFC and what they do for cheetahs.

Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada supports the research and conservation projects taking place to protect these majestic felines. The Canadian arm of the organization fundraises for four programs: educational outreach in schools across Namibia, farmer education, livestock guard dog training, and cheetah rehabilitation.

But you may be wondering – why cheetahs?

Cheetahs are the fastest land mammal on Earth, but even they cannot outrun the threat of extinction. Cheetahs, much like other wildlife, increasingly face pressure from human settling in the grasslands they call home. Over decades of conflicts, the cheetah population has dwindled. Now less than 7100 cheetahs roam the wild.

The cheetah is also an apex predator, which means their presence keeps natural ecosystems in sync. When their population is threatened, this poses a massive risk for local ecosystems and natural habitats.

How cheetahs are struggling in the wild

Also, when cheetahs enter human settlements, stalking livestock, they get caught in traps. These injured felines are then killed or disposed off by local farmers who only want to protect their livelihoods.

What can we do to save the cheetahs?

As a long-time sponsor for Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada, we highly recommend making a charitable donation of any amount to the organization. The Cheetah Conservation Fund – the parent organization – actively sends biologists and conservationists to Namibia and other regions where cheetahs roam. They work with farmers to train livestock guard dogs, which have been able to keep cheetahs away from towns and villages. They also help rehabilitate injured cheetahs, nursing them back to health before sending them into the wild. CCF also educates the next generation of farmers and land managers in regions with cheetahs. They work with locals to reduce the number of conflicts with cheetahs. Together, they’re ensuring that humans and these felines can co-exist on Earth.

Interested in learning more about the CCFC?

Follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Pacific Parklands Foundation

Posted by pauloneal

A foundation launched in 2000, Pacific Parklands Foundation is located close to home here in Burnaby, BC. The organization protects and preserves Metro Vancouver parks. They believe that our park systems need to be protected and conserved so that the community and future generations can enjoy them. Canadian Mattress Recycling is pleased to donate $1,000 to support this organization. Read more about Pacific Parklands Foundation

Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. is Metro Vancouver’s dedicated mattress and furniture recycler based on Annacis Island. Since 2011, we’ve recycled over 25 million pounds of mattress and furniture, diverting them from local landfills. We’ve supported over 90+ organizations to date through our philanthropic initiatives. Read more about the other organizations we support here.