Archive for May, 2018

Why Recycling in Vancouver Matters

Posted by pauloneal

Vancouver Recycling

For all that Vancouver has done in the past two decades, did you know Vancouver has a strong, zero-waste commitment? The city strongly supports and implements green policies such as recycling, organics composting, and most recent, their zero waste action plan. In light of the new zero waste plan, you may ask, what does it all mean? In context, when we live and stay in a city for a long time, we may not realize how far our cities have evolved over the years. Compared to other cities in the world, we may just be sustainability champions.

Who knew, right?

Here’s Vancouver’s track record for all things sustainable.

Let’s take a look at the waste and recycling component

Diving deeper into the waste and recycling initiatives, it’s clear that Vancouver has come a long way.

Just ten years ago, over 500,000 tonnes of solid waste ended up in landfills. Five years later, the city has diverted over 27% of that waste.

The Vancouver Zero Waste Centre has reopened, allowing residents take their old items in to be diverted from landfills.

It’s also becoming easier to sort and compost your organics. Cities like Vancouver boast an effective organic waste sorting system, found in homes and commercial venues like shopping centres.

Finally, the city’s phasing in a single-use plastic ban, reducing the amount of single-use plastics entering landfills.

Shifting from Recycling to Recovery

These days, more people are paying attention to the benefits of recovering materials instead of recycling. We can reuse recovered materials as-is, for a variety of cases. We can make new products and crafts all the time out of recovered materials. Recovering materials doesn’t have to compromise on quality. In fact, items and materials made out of recovered materials can be even more durable.

Improving Construction Waste Recovery

One sector that has seen improvements in waste recovery is the construction industry. In Vancouver, construction waste amounts to over 40% of wood dumped in landfills. Other building materials used to be difficult to recycle. However, there has been considerable improvements in recent years. Companies such as Sea To Sky Removal change the construction waste landscape.

Improving E-Waste Recovery

Since 2015, residents and businesses have diverted over 11,000 devices from Vancouver landfills. Private electronic recyclers make it easier for residents to drop-off their old laptops and phones. Organizations such as Free Geek provide services too, that help residents avoid dumping their items in landfills. Finally, residents have access to resources such as Waste Wizard and Metro Vancouver Recycles. These applications provide information on where they can take specific items for recycling, including their electronics. Making recycling more accessible for residents directly contribute to the lower landfill rates.

Conclusion: What the Greenest City Action Plan Tells Us

The Action Plan tells us is that if we set bold long-term goals, we can achieve them. Vancouver has set and met a considerable number of their Greenest City Action Plan goals. Now, as 2020 approaches, the city is now looking forward again.

This time, another twenty years.

Their 2040 Zero Waste Plan is bold, immediate, and necessary.

Priorities in this plan include:

The optimist in us believe that, after Vancouver’s successful 2020 Action Plan, we can achieve the 2040 objectives. During this shift, we also acknowledge that we’ll be moving further towards recovery. We’ll be reducing consumption. We’ll be avoiding needless waste. We’ll be recovering the city and the environment. We’d be recovering a future for all in the time of climate change.

Let’s do this, Vancouver!

Canadian Mattress Recycling is a 100% locally-owned BC company with a team of employees dedicated to customer service and environmental preservation through recycling. We are located in the middle of Metro Vancouver on Annacis Island on Delta, BC and serve the entire Lower Mainland region and beyond. We are winners of the Green Business of the Year in 2016 by the Delta Chamber of Commerce.

Free Materials – from Canadian Mattress Recycling

Posted by pauloneal

We have lots of materials to give away for free or by donation. We have cushions, leather, pleather, coir, plastic foam sheets, polyester, furniture legs, and wood. Give us a call at 604.777.0324 during office hours, or visit our depot at #140, 715 Eaton Way, Delta, BC V3M 6S5.

Note that because our office will be closed until mid-July, free materials through the office will be unavailable until we reopen.


Available through the warehouse, 7 days a week

Dry wood and coconut fibre/coir mats (for erosion & weed control), and plastic foam sheets available free.




Plastic Foam Sheets


Available through the office, by cash donation for charity:

‘Pet Beds’, Floor Cushions, Leather, Bonded Leather (fake leather), Furniture Legs, Felt Pads (for moving pads), Fluffy polyester filling


Furniture Legs





Polyester Filling

Canucks Autism Network

Posted by pauloneal

We’re delighted to donate to the Canucks Autism Network on behalf of our Employee of the Month Kurt. At Canadian Mattress Recycling, we believe in supporting our employees and the communities around us.

Kurt, our February employee of the month, wears many hats at work. He’s been a helpful employee for the year he’s been with us. As a great addition to our team, Kurt’s help in recycling mattresses and furniture haven’t gone unnoticed.

For his charitable donation, Kurt asked that we donated to the Canucks Autism Network.

Read on about the Canucks Autism Network.

The Canucks Autism Network

Founded by the Aquilinis, co-owners of the Vancouver Canucks, the organization aims to help children with autism thrive. Play through sport has always been one of the most engaging ways children connect with each other. Since 2008, the organization has delivered hundreds of programs across British Columbia, engaging thousands of children with autism and their family through the collaborative play of sports. Through activities such as hockey, these children develop lasting friendships.

One of the organization’s latest achievement is making Rogers Arena an “autism aware” facility. With the support of the Vancouver Canucks and the Canucks for Kids Fund, the Aquilinis introduced sensory kits and quiet rooms for the stadium. In addition, this initiative have also provided staff with training, so that they know how to engage and help those with autism at family-friendly events.


Critter Care Wildlife Society

Posted by pauloneal

If you live in Vancouver, or the Lower Mainland, chances are you’ve probably heard about Critter Care Wildlife Society.

A registered charity, Critter Care has served the British Columbia community by rehabilitating wildlife. It is also known for its educational programs, helping residents learn more about wildlife around them, by accepting them as volunteers.

Located in Campbell Valley Regional Park in South Langley, the wildlife shelter treats and cares for hundreds of animals. As reported in Abbotsford News on May 29th 2019, the shelter is caring for about 150 animals right now!

What Animals Does Critter Care Wildlife Society Rehabilitate?

One unique aspect of the charity is that it cares for mammal species native to British Columbia. In other words, its staff helps nurse injured wildlife back to health. Other times, orphaned wildlife come to their rehabilitation centre in the Township of Langley. Often, they receive animals including:

Rehabilitation – Why It Matters

Critter Care’s rehabilitation programs makes sure that injured and orphaned wildlife are cared for and nursed back to health. Some of them return to the wild once they’ve recovered. By focusing on animals native to BC, Critter Care helps preserve the delicate ecosystems found in our province.

Image Source: Critter Care Wildlife Society

In other words, animals such as deer and bears are super important for our wildlife. Even mammals such as skunks, raccoons, and marmots have their place in natural habitats. By partnering with conservation officers, Critter Care provides a much needed service almost entirely run on volunteers for BC, Canada.

Caring for Wildlife

It’s safe to say that it’s not easy nor cheap to care and treat injured wildlife. It’s equally as difficult to provide the food necessary for these animals, too, when they can’t forage or hunt for prey themselves. Even equipment and supplies come from donors and sponsors.

And at certain times of the year, they receive an influx of animals. In May, they often receive more baby animals. Baby animals require bottle feeding, while older ones can eat kibble.

How You Can Help Critter Care

Although the wildlife shelter is closed for visitors for most of the year, there’s an annual open house that may be of interest to you. Every year, Critter Care hosts an open house, raising funds to help the injured and orphaned mammals in their care. On other days, the charity organizes fundraisers, and seeks sponsorships and donations. You can even volunteer at the shelter.

Be sure to visit their website for more information.

Our Charitable Givings

Since 2015, we at Canadian Mattress Recycling have donated over $900 to the society. Our donation ensures that they can keep their operations running, so they can keep caring for wildlife.  To be exact, our donation provided food for 17 orphaned bear cubs!

Since Critter Care Wildlife Society runs almost entirely on volunteers, we feel delighted that our monetary donation will be going towards a good cause.




Canadian Mattress Recycling Inc. is a recycling centre located on Annacis Island, Delta BC. Since 2011, we have helped Metro Vancouver residents recycle over 25 million lbs of mattresses and furniture. We have also supported over 90+ organizations through donations and our blogging efforts. Read about the other organizations we have supported in the past. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more.

Fraser River Discovery Centre

Posted by pauloneal

What is the Fraser River Discovery Centre?

The Fraser River Discovery Centre is a modern museum featuring the communities living by the Fraser River. Their exhibits and programs highlight those that live and work along the Fraser River, which supports exhibits and programs celebrating the communities that live and work along the Fraser River. Over 60% of BC residents live within the Fraser Basin – this translates to roughly 3 million people. The river is part of the basin, home to the world’s most productive salmon river systems. As keystone species, salmon support diverse wildlife to make the unique ecosystems in BC thrive.

Our Donation

By salvaging cushions from furniture we receive at our facility, we’re able to donate them to the FRDC for use by their visitors. In 2018, we donated $330 worth of cushions. At Canadian Mattress Recycling, we take great pride in supporting communities in the Lower Mainland. We also enjoy reusing, repurpose, and salvage materials that come through our doors. Together, we’re reducing landfill waste one piece of mattress and furniture at a time.

Upcoming FRDC Events

The FRDC is open to the public. They showcase different exhibitions throughout the year include their newest engagement program BioDiversity. The BioDiversity speaker series invites residents on walking tours, with guided speakers who are biodiversity experts. If you haven’t heard of FRDC, though, you may have heard about River Fest. River Fest is their annual celebration of the Fraser River, which is held in September.

Facebook: @thefrdc
Twitter: @thefrdc
RiverFest: @RiverFestNewWest

Forum for Women Entrepreneurs Gala

Posted by pauloneal

Our Contribution

In 2018, Canadian Mattress Recycling donated over $200 worth of silent auction prizes to the Forum of Women Entrepreneurs’ fundraising gala. We offered our recycling services for this important cause supporting female entrepreneurs.

The Odium Brown Gala

The Odium Brown Gala, where our donation was given, featured three businesses started by women. At the event, they competed for the grand prize: $25,000. Tickets for the event raised money for the charity.

Businesses Squiggle Park, Flytographer, and AVA Technologies pitched their business in front of an audience. In the end, Flytographer took home the $25,000 prize. All in all, the event raised $75,000 for charity.

Watch the highlights from the Gala: 

Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)

FWE is a Vancouver-based charity that supports, mentors, and connects women entrepreneurs in the region. Supporting women entrepreneurs will help make our economies stronger, and help make our communities thrive. Their programs include the above Pitch for the Purse competition and their E-Series, a three-day education program that provides entrepreneurship training.

Learn more about the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs.

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